Monday, March 2, 2009

March Madness!!

I don't really know what March Madness is. I know it has something to do with sports, possibly Basketball, but I'm not sure. I am so glad that it's March. That means that the weather is slowly getting warmer, and it's one month until my birthday. March just sounds like a friendly month. Doesn't it? I am currently trying to lost weight. I have needed to get my butt into gear for a while. One of my best friends has currently lost a bunch of weight. I am so so SO proud of her!!!! She has encouraged me to get off my fat tail. I want to be able to strut proudly around the lake this summer in a bikini. Andrew thinks I'm hot. He thinks my body looks like Beyonce, I think it looks like Brittney Spears during her fat, crazy phase. I am trying to drink a lot of water and do a little something everyday. I considered joining Weight Watchers, but the meetings are at 5:30 on Mondays and currently Andrew and I are sharing the vehicle which he needs by 4:45 for class. They have it online too, but I don't see how motivating the online version would be. If I wanted to be a lazy tail, I just wouldn't go to the website. I was going to aerobics on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I dropped that because my schedule is never normal and the class was at 5:00 and I normally don't get off work until 5:30 or so. I have no motivation!! If I get tired on the treadmill, I just turn it off. I tried to do crunches during every commercial break yesterday (I forgot that was my plan after the first set of commercials). What should I do to get motivated??

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