Monday, March 16, 2009

Fatty McFatsy Strikes Again!!!

I really have been making an effort to diet. This past week I have eaten a lot of broccoli, salmon, tilapia, and grilled chicken. I have discovered that I love the crockpot. There's a very good chance that I could screw something up when I use the oven, but the crockpot is a whole new ball game for me. I did have a slight incident when I didn't know the difference between rib eye and ground beef. I did have a mishap on Sunday and Saturday. I had sweet tea instead of water and I had a big steak for dinner and macaroni and cheese for lunch. For Sunday I had breakfast twice-for breakfast and for dinner. For lunch, I gave in and had a hamburger and fries at Steak and Shake. Who goes to Steak and Shake for a salad anyways?? I did resist a root beer float though. I was pretty proud of myself. Today is Monday though and I'm back on track. I will diligently sit at my computer and drink my water with the benefiber sprinkled in all day. Since I have been drinking so much water, I feel as if I am that lady from the "Got to go right now" commercial. The feeling to urinate doesn't occur gradually. It occurs IMMEDIATELY!!! I have had to stop mid sentence with my boss more than once. Drinking the water all day does help me with not snacking. Yum Yum water!!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey Dana, I got this new cookbook called HungryGirl. It has a ton of easy recipes that are really good and healthy. And they taste good. You should try it if you're trying to diet. I hear ya though, it's hard to stay on track when there's so much good food to eat out there haha.