Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I want to brag bbuutt....

I can't brag. I can't even kinda brag. I only ran about 6 minutes yesterday. I have hurt my right leg pretty badly. I did get to brag to my mother though. I started running while she was on vacation, so I haven't been able to tell her. She was so proud of me. She told me to stretch my leg good, then take a break with the running for a few days and just walk. She then suggested that I start over again with the plan. That might be a good idea, so that I will be able to run for a minute like a pro. I would probably be able to boost my speed. I slept with a heating pad on my leg and bengay is my friend. I haven't used bengay since colorguard. When I put on the bengay,I thought, "Hello, Old Friend!"
Speaking of old friends...
For our Discipleship Training class we are doing 40 days of love. It isn't just about husband and wife love, it's about all relationships. After each week, we have a homework assignment. This week's assignment was to show a friend that we care by praying for them, asking them for coffee, emailing them, talking to them on the phone, or mailing a letter. That was hard for me. I didn't know what to do. My friends from high school and college have really been on my heart lately. I wonder how they are doing and I wonder if any of that relationship could be mended. I decided to put on my big girl panties and try. I didn't think that I was ready to talk to all of the girls. I have been talking to Heather on Myspace for sometime now. I don't really have any hard feelings towards her. I don't think she does for me either. If I am ever in the Nashville area, I would love to see her. Since our relationship has already become a work in progress, I decided to hit up her twin sister Lindsey. I can't remember the last time Lindsey and I have talked. Probably on her birthday almost 2 years ago. I opted to send Lindsey a facebook message because I didn't want to call her because that could be awkward. I can't ask her for coffee because she lives in Paducah,and I don't know her email address so that leaves out the email. I wanted to message to seem light hearted. I asked how she was doing. I asked about her job and how married life was. I joked about how big my boobs had gotten. I told her about how I was trying to run because she used to be a big runner. I shared with her which pictures from Heather's wedding I loved that she was in. Then in the end, I actually shared my heart with her. This is the last thing in the message:
"I have to make a confession. When I looked at your wedding pictures, I bawled like a baby in my office. I hate that I wasn't there. You looked absolutely beautiful and I hate that we have drifted apart. I'm not quite sure why because we have never gotten into a huge argument (except for us fighting over John,hahaha!!!) Update me on your life! Tell Todd hi for me."

I really hope that she sends me a message back. Maybe if she sends me a message back I could call her on the phone. Maybe if we talk on the phone we'll be able to meet up in Dyersburg sometime. Maybe if I make a connection with Heather and Lindsey, I'll be able to talk to Lauren. I don't want to be best friends with them again. I just want to be friends. I don't want them to look back at me and think bad thoughts. I just want to have more than 2 good friends. It just makes me sad that I really only talk to one person on the phone.

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