Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Different Kinds of Friends

When we're little, everyone is our BESTEST friend. I have yearbooks where I highlighted people's names just because I knew who they were. How I knew them? I'm not sure. Maybe we had a class together, maybe we played ball together but in any case I called them a friend.

I realized the importance of friends when I didn't have any. My family had moved from a big city to a small town and I had no one. That was a tough year. I had very random friendships that year, and as I continued on in the school system I am proud to say that I only kept one of those friendships. Those friends were weird. Learning the Macarena to TLC's Waterfalls? Yeah, that's kinda weird.

There are several categories of friends.

Used to Be Friends:
These are the friends that made a very large impact of your life. These are the ones that you used to do everything with and at some point in time were considered your best friends. What happens to these friends? Sometimes you move away. Sometimes people change. You still care about them, you are Facebook friends but you wouldn't ask them to be a bridesmaid.

Soulmate friends:
These are few and far between. These are the ones that feed your soul. I thought I had this during middle/high/and college with the same group of girls. I was wrong. Soulmate friends are the ones that you can't imagine ever not knowing. They pray for you. They want the best for you, even if it means giving up something of their own. Competition is thrown out of the window. You are lucky if you have one of those. Stephanie is mine. I'm surprised that I have only known her for 6 years because I feel as I have known her my whole life. Stephanie is to Dana as Oprah is to Gayle. We are a packaged deal. Soulmate friends don't come around very often, but when they do they stay around.

Forever Friends:
I have several friends who I will be friends with forever. We might not have been as close as Soulmate friends, but I know that these people and I could sit and talk for hours. It really speaks of their character when you know that you could run into them randomly at the hometown Walmart and catch up quickly. I love these friends.

I was lucky enough to get to hang out with one for an entire day on our vacation. Ami is a kindred spirit, a bosom buddy if you will. I was worried that because I hadn't seen her in two and a half years, that things would be awkward. Nope. It felt like nothing had changed between us. We are two very different people, but very similar as well. I'm lucky to have her as a friend and I can't wait to see where life takes her.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Protecting My Goodies

This was me yesterday, except I was in a dress and my shoes didn't fly off of my feet. That was suprising considering I was wearing flip-flops. I definitely took a tumble and lived to tell about it. What makes this situation funny is what happened after I fell.

1. I fell in front of a client while I was walking to my car.

2. Once I assured her that nothing was hurt (but my pride), I told her that at least I kept my knees together in the dress.

3. She then decided to tell me that,"If she knew my husband, she would tell him that I did a good job at protecting my goodies."

MY GOODIES???!? Really?

Did I mention that when I fell, I fell DOWN a handicapped ramp? It was a triple decker, swirly type ramp and I fell down it. Isn't it supposed to be for safety reasons?