Thursday, January 28, 2010


Okay, so a friend a mine follows a lot a blogs. I assume that she knows these folks and they seemed like nice girls and their blogs were pretty, sssssooooo I decided to follow their blogs in secret.

I have been frustrated with these girls. They are all very pretty girls who are either about to graduate college or have started grad school. So far, every single one of their posts have been about clothes. They have been about fashion and finding purses and shirts and seeing Versace bags that they really really want. I don't even have to know these girls to know that they have high pinched squeaky voices. One of these girls just happened to mention that she wore a size 0. It was at that point that I deleted her from the blogs that I follow.

Those girls are just plain obnoxious.

The other day, Stephanie and I went into Old Navy. She was reluctant, but I wanted to go because I thought that they might have something usable in there. THEY DID!! They had their flip flops on sale 2/$5.00!! Steph and I were digging through the shoes when some squeaky voiced girls who sounded like they were from the Valley (Remember Clueless?) instead of West TN came up behind us. Stephanie and I didn't even say a word, we just looked at each other and left the store.

This is very judgemental, and I acknowledge this fact. These girls just really get on my nerves! I'm sure that some are smart, but it can't be healthy for their vocal cords to speak an octave higher than what is necessary. They probably don't have any trouble calling their little poodles because their voice sounds like a dog whistle. There is no way that a guy could stand to listen to that squeal whenever they talk. Sure, they might be pretty but GIVE ME A BREAK!!! It is not attractive for a 20 year old to talk like a baby. You might as well throw a bottle in their mouth because that's what they sound like. I would never take anyone who sounds like that seriously.

If someone actually talks that way because they were born with the vocal cords of a munchkin, then I would offer this piece of advice:


Thursday, January 14, 2010

You Never Know

Every once in a while God shows me why I am living where I am. God reaffirmed that I should be in Bolivar last night at church.

Everyone knows that when you are in Middle/High School drama surrounds you. Typically, when I see drama starting to go down I try to nip it in the bud as quick as I can. Last night, I thought I was doing the same.

All of the youth were filing into the meeting room when I noticed that one of the girls looked as if she was about to break down into tears. I pulled her aside and asked if she was okay. She told me that she wasn't okay so I pulled her into another Sunday school to talk.

This girl immediately broke down into sobs.

The problem, which I could barely understand, was something that happens to everyone. A friend of hers came up to her and called her a "ho." That was a typical greeting which in classier terms mean, "Hello best friend. How are you doing?" Her friend didn't even realize how much that name would have hurt her feelings. She didn't know that this girl had just been told that people around school thought that she was a whore because of what she did with boys and that half of the rumors weren't even true.

This girl is 13 and she lost her virginity at 12. Since she was 12, she has been intimate with a guy 7 times! She shared with me that she tries to say no, and if she didn't say no most of the time then her number would have been 20. She even shared with me that she really thought that the guy she lost her virginity to really cared for her, but found out soon after that he only wanted her for one thing. She also said that he had locked the door and wouldn't let her off the bed. Basically she was raped.

What do you say? I didn't preach to her. I could have said the typical church responses which consist of the following:
1. You should not do that.
2. Why didn't you just say no.
3. Find new friends.
4. God will forgive you.
5. Born again Virgin

I didn't know what to say to her, but I did know that God had put me there for a reason. She and I talked about her goals and what could happen if she continued to make those decisions. My heart was breaking for this girl.

While talking with this girl, my head started thinking, "How many times do I say something hurtful to someone and I don't even realize it?" Everyone does it.

This might sound silly, but for those of you who know me know that I have a serious foot issue. I hate feet and it's a problem. One time someone made fun of my toes. I will never forget it. That person didn't know that I had an issue with feet. I have a hard enough time wearing flip-flops. He didn't know.

How many times do we make fun of something and not realize how much it hurts someone? Just something to think about.