Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You got a Purty mouth!

After getting to work at 8:00am, I worked ALL DAY LONG, did a few visits and I also agreed to teach the 2nd half of a four hour long parenting class because Amanda sometimes double books herself. I don't mind teaching the parenting class. I have even had to teach all of it before. It only happens once a month. The class is called Forever Parents. It is required by the state of TN for all parents who are getting a divorce. It reminds the parents what is important and how to teach the children that it's not their fault that their mommy and daddy are getting a divorce. I don't feel as if I am qualified to teach this class. Let me rephrase that. I am qualified, but I haven't experienced any of the things that I am teaching. My parents are still married, so I am not a child of divorce. I am now married, but we haven't been married for very long...so I haven't even considered divorce once. We don't even have any children yet. So basically, I am teaching a class full of people who have experienced all of these things that I haven't and they are having to listen to this little pipsqueak of a girl tell them how to live their lives and how to be a good parent.


I had to teach the 2nd half of the parenting class last night. Normally there's a good mix of men and women. Last night there were three mens. I walked into the room and the youngest of the mens smiled really big at me. This is what I see...

Really?? You are smiling with a face like that??? I have never seen meth mouth up close before. I have dealt with clients that have smoked meth, but their teeth just looked bad. I wanted to ask him how much meth his ex-wife had to smoke before she would kiss that ugly grill. He kept smiling at me through the whole thing. Good thing I hadn't had dinner yet or it would have been all over the table. But you know, my throw up would have looked more appetizing than that. My boss wanted to know who would want to "suck face with that?" Some days of my job I feel as if I am making a difference. Then, there are those other days when you want to ask God why did He send someone like this into my life? Oh yeah, Mr. Meth Mouth has 3 kids and one on the way. Except that only 3 are from his wife. So this man has actually kissed more than 1 woman. I mean I know that you don't have to kiss to create a child. Maybe that's how. They don't kiss him. His sperm are just so wonderful, they just want to use him. Maybe he's smart...or maybe not. Just the thought of someone leaning in to kiss me looking like that is enough to make me not want to eat for days. Maybe that's my new diet plan. I'll just think of Mr. Meth Mouth when I want to skip my lunch and dinner. Now I'm motivated!!!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

wow...did he let you take that pic? haha or is it a google find?