Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I love my VOCA children. It's going to be very hard to say good-bye to them. I have really high hopes for my children. I hope that the girls will be able to grow in confidence. A confident woman/girl will get far in life. I hope they have the strength to say "NO" to what they don't want to do. In Hardeman county, many children become pregnant at a young age, and most likely their moms became pregnant at a young age as well. If I ever walk around Bolivar and see one of my children preggers, I might flip my lid. Just sign me up for Western because I will have gone crazy. I want these children to be success and achieve their dreams. I want my little girl who wants to become a pediatrician to achieve that goal. Forget the bullies who make fun of her for being too black or ashy or being raped. Yeah, kids at her school make fun of her for being raped. I want her to stand tall and proud. I want my child who wants to be a fashion designer to be famous. I want to wear her clothes or have her purse and brag about how I "knew her when." Even my little boy who wants to be a spy, I want to say go for it. He might not become a spy, but maybe an investigator or a police officer. They have so much to offer the world, and I would hate for them to settle. Poor Andrew. I have informed him several times that if anything happens to any of my kids' parents, we would be adopting them. Can't you just seen Andrew and I with a 13 year old black kid and saying that's our child? He'll get used to it.

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