Sunday, June 21, 2009

Green Water Bottle

Is it normal to fall in love with a water bottle? I don't think it is, but I am.

About 3 months ago, I felt as if it was my turn to go semi-green and help the environment. I realized that Andrew and I were buying a lot of bottled water. I then bought a water filter for our sink and a plastic red bottle to drink my water. I thought to myself that I will be making my carbon imprint a lot smaller with this water bottle. I used the said red bottle for a while, until I encountered a little problem. It leaked. Not really leaked but we had issues. The top of the bottle screwed on but the problem occurred because it had a wide opening to drink out of. Whenever I drank out of this bottle, water went all over me. I looked as if I had a problem and that I forgot to open my mouth when I drank from this bottle in public. If anyone reading this blog saw me after drinking from this water bottle, no that was not drool down my shirt.

After dealing with the red water bottle for about a month, I bought a green bottle. It is very chic. It is BPA free (whatever that means). It has reduce, reuse, and recycle on the side which makes me feel better. The best part of it though is how the top is. It has a sorta flip top that has a straw connected to it. All you would have to do is suck, you didn't have to tilt your head back to drink. I was so excited about my new purchase. Ttthhheenn.....

I lost it. It didn't even make the journey home with me. I thought that I may had bought it and then left it at Wal-mart. Don't you hate that? I would have just gone back to the cashier except that I bought it in Jackson with Steph. After about 2 months I gave up hope for the pretty green perfect water bottle. Actually, I didn't know if it was perfect or not. I didn't have the chance to find out.

Let's fastfoward 2 months. Steph, Emily, and I went to VA for Jenn's wedding. I rode in the front seat the entire time. One weekend later on a road trip to Emily's wedding, what is in the floor of Stephanie's front seat. DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!!! My green water bottle. If I was insane, I would have cried. I knew that I had gotten out of Walmart with that bottle. I made sure that I got home with it this time.

I just got back from a long walk in the hot sun. Nothing is better than water after being in the hotness. What did I do? I cleaned out my green water bottle and filled it up. I didn't even get one splash of water on me. This green water bottle is just as perfect as I thought that it would be. For something that all you have to do is suck to drink, it doesn't suck!! It's perfect.

The Ode' to the Green Water Bottle is complete. :)