Friday, June 5, 2009


This blog is a way for me to avoid going downstairs and getting a snack. I find that I get hungry around 10:30 to 11:30 everyday. The problem is I have breakfast every morning. I never skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day. Typically I have cereal. I try not to eat the super sugary stuff, but I have to have some sort of sugar. I can't eat just Bran Flakes everyday. That stuff just doesn't start the day off right. Currently I have been eating Cinnamon Life cereal. It has a lot of whole grains and fiber in it. I also love Oatmeal. I really enjoy it, but the negative part about oatmeal is that I will be hungry again by 10:00 or worse 9:30. It's bad. What's really bad is that I have a stocked kitchen in my workplace that is filled with snacks. Currently, Walmart donated health food bars-you know that South Beach Diet bars or the Atkins bars. Why they donated them to the Carl Perkins Center? I don't know. They come in handy though. I don't feel so bad eating a fiber bar that has 36% of my daily needed fiber (which is very important to me) instead of gummy bears or moon pies or poptarts or airheads. We have all of those products in the kitchen downstairs. Wait! We even have popcorn, chips, and plenty of Walmart brand coke products. I do the best I can. I try to avoid going downstairs when I am hungry because inevitably I will go into the kitchen which may or may not be the best decision. I have no will power when it comes to going into the kitchen at work. Now I am chewing Dubble Bubble bubble gum. Maybe this will curve my hunger until I go to lunch with Amanda and Jessica, the new intern.

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