Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Changes are a'comin

Okay. It's time for a big change. I keep repeating to myself that change is good. But is it considered change when it used to be that way for 18 years and after 5 years you have decided to change it back? Maybe it's more like going back to normal. I just couldn't take it anymore. Something needs to be done about it. I really thought about this change. It's a big jump for a girl. I thought I didn't want them. I put my foot down for five years, not I'm returning to the scene. I don't know if I'm ready for this jump. After I decide on this change, there's no going back. If I decide to go back to the way it was, then it will take a while to get back there. Are you confused?

I have decided to get bangs.

I had bangs for 18 years. No lie! I had the straight across the forehead (or in my case a fivehead) bangs for 18 years. I didn't grow them out until college. When no one else had them, I did. What made me keep them so long, I don't know. I am going to the hairdresser today. There's no turning back once I get them. Wish me luck!