Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Should I feel guilty?

Only three more days until husband begins working first shift. I am so excited about being able spend time with him.

I have to confess that I have always had a problem with guilt with husband/boyfriend vs. friends. I know, I know, I know that husband goes first blah blah blah...but really, I do have an issue with it. For example, yesterday I hadn't seen or spoken to husband all day long. I left for work before he woke up and he spent the day helping my mother get a new couch from Memphis to Dburg. (How sweet was that?) I also had my first night of class for my summer school that night. I got home around 9:00pm and he got home around 9:30pm. We were exhausted and we had very little time to talk before we fell asleep.

What was I doing during this time where we could be talking about our days and sharing new information with each other?
Well....I was on the phone with the bestie. The night before we had talked for 2 hours before we got off the phone at 11:00pm, and by the time I got off the phone with her last night we had talked for an hour and a half. I was actually laying in bed beside my husband with the lights turned off just chatting away. He had the TV on, but he had it turned down in respect for my phone conversation. He didn't even roll his eyes at me. I would have thrown him out of the room if he had done that to me. I honestly had talked to my bestie longer in a 24 hour period than I had my husband. Is that wrong? I feel incredibly guilty. He didn't express any frustration with me, but I still feel guilty. Here is where I struggle:
My friend lives 7 hrs away and lives by herself. I think if I don't talk to her then she will be moping around her lonely apartment where she doesn't know anyone else except me. I also want her to know that I am interested in what she has to say and if I shut her down when she's not done telling me about whatever adventure she had for the day then I show that I'm not interested. In all honesty, I know that if I don't answer the phone, then she will just call the next person on her list and she will spend her entire evening on the phone with someone regardless of if it's me or another listening ear. I just am so scared to turn into that person. You know, that person who makes her friend,mom, sister feel so unimportant compared to their spouses. But am I alienating my husband who doesn't really have any close friends to call and chat up the wind with about his day. I am my husband's person (insert Grey's reference here). I am the one and only person that he shares his thought and dreams and discouragements during the day. My hubby is not the only person that I share mine with and I'm not the only one that my bestie calls throughout the day either.

I guess I should be more considerate to my husband, but it really is a constant struggle in my mind because I don't want the friend to feel unloved. To be honest with my blurkers (blog stalkers) out there (which include the bestie), I don't think she would understand if I have one of those moments when I am on the phone with her and I haven't seen the hubby all day long and I am about to lose him to sleep. She does not like to feel put on a back burner. Does anyone? If I was in the middle of a story and sharing my heart with someone and they interrupted in the middle of a sentence and asked if they could call me back later because they needed to talk to someone else more important, I would not be happy. If I did it once, then she might understand, but if I did it all the time where would that put our friendship?

When your husband works 3rd shift, you have to schedule time together. I know that might sound crazy to some people, but you really have to. If it's not scheduled, then it is assumed that he will be sleeping during that time. If you don't schedule the time, then you will not see each other. I'm not talking about everyone being busy with errands or everyone getting things done around the house. I'm talking about daily not seeing the person that you love more than anything. It's Good morning, I'm going to work and then Good night, I'm going to work. Do you understand my excitement with him switching? I will be able to see him enough that I won't feel guilty when I run back to the bedroom for a gab fest on the phone.

This blog actually turned into something a lot more different then what it was planned to be. I wanted to make a list of amazing things I was going to do once my hubby started first shift, but it turned into something completely different.

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