Friday, June 18, 2010

How many of us are jaded to the war? I know three people that are deployed right now. Do I hope that they are safe? Yeah. Do I want them to come home? Yeah. But how often do I pray for them? How often do we pray for our troops? I honestly don't do it as much as I should.

Now that one of my good friend's husband is deployed, I am praying every day for him specifically. A few days after he was deployed, I got word that a boy that I had gone to school with had been killed in Iraq. It home real quick for me after that. I didn't believe it. I had a crush on him at some point. It wasn't anything major. In fact, if I had to sit and make a list on all the boys I had a crush on, I probably wouldn't even remember him for my list. I remember him being very sweet. When he attended UTM he would come into the food court to see my friend Justin and my Andrew. Since the last time I saw him, he had been deployed twice, gotten married, and had a one year old son named Tucker. My heart goes out to his wife. Can you even imagine being a widow that young. Please pray for our troops, and if you get the chance please listen to this Tribute to Israel "Izzy" O'Bryan. It really is worth it.

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