Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On Sunday nights, my Discipleship Training class is doing a study on contentment and learning how to be content with things in our lives. Yesterday was one of those days that I found difficulty in finding contentment. I have been the only one in my office for about 2 and a half weeks now. That means that I can't get my visits done, I can't sit in my office, and I have to answer every daggum phone call that comes through. Yesterday, I almost unplugged the phone and threw it out of the window. If there was a way to silence our phones, I would have. I am not exaggerating when I say that as soon as I hung up the phone, another call would come through. At one point, all three lines were ringing and I just had to let them go because no one else was here. I am not a switchboard operator!!! Then I had to leave early to go to class. Even though I was extremely grateful that he let us out early, I felt like curling up in a ball and crying for my momma. The fetal position is exactly the position that I got into when I got home. I was in a crabby mood! I ended up in bed by 8:00pm. I would have been in bed by 7:30 but it was still too sunny outside.
I need to go to my happy place. My happy place consists of water, warm sun, and silence. And no, a bathtub outside won't cut it. I need a beach or Potato Lake in MN.

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