Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's that Smell?

What's that smell you smell from my carport? Oh yeah, it's the smell of laundry soap and fabric softener coming from my new (used) washer and dryer. How awesome is that!!??!! Let my explain where I am coming from. I do have a washer and dryer. They are smaller and very convenient. Except that due to the size of the old washer and dryer, Andrew's crap (clothes) are all over the place. The problem with him washing his clothes is that he isn't awake long enough to wash his clothes. With these new (used) washer and dryer, you could throw half of your clothes in one load and you are almost done. Y0u don't have to sit up for hours to get it done. Having a new (used) washer and dryer is very exciting. I can't wait until I get home from Dyersburg on Sunday and do my laundry. Yay Laundry!!!

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