Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!!!!

I did it, Everyone!! I'm so proud of myself, I could just shout it from the rooftops!!

Not really. But I am proud of myself.

Last night I was determined to get on the treadmill. Determined. That's the only way that you will get me on that treadmill. It's in a room without a TV that's basically our junk room. This room holds things that need to be taken to the dump, but haven't made their way yet.

But I had an idea! The bulb went on above me and I knew that it was sent from God.

This was my idea:
I would put a DVD in the laptop and then put the laptop on the treadmill. Last night I chose Grey's Anatomy Season 5 DVD. It was pure genius!!!!

I plugged my headphones in the laptop and was determined that I would walk/jog during the entire episode. That would mean 42-44 minutes of exercise. I have zero motivation. Nothing works. Even thinking about how I am going to be a bridesmaid and that I need to look HOTT in my dress doesn't work. I try thinking about how it's good for my health. Nope. Nada. I even have tried Stephanie's method of being tough like Jane Pauley. Nothing.

So here I was speed walking and then throwing some jogging in there for fun. I got to about 35 minutes and I was tired. I had sweat dripping off of my face. Typically, this would have been when I would have stopped and said Good Job! but not last night!!!!! I just kept going. Towards the end-I was determined that I was going to run through the end of the race (episode). The finish line was there!! I SPRINTED (as much as you can on a treadmill) and I imagined that the crowd was yelling for me,"Go Dana!!! You can do it!!" At one point, I was waving to my "crowd of adoring fans."

I made it!! I was so proud of myself. I then immediately ran to the full length mirror to see if my stomach was flatter. HAHAHA! Let's just be honest here, if the results were that quick, then there would not be another obese person around. I was so proud of myself and I plan on doing it again tonight.

After my Grey's is over, then there will be newer episodes posted online. And then there's The Office, The Cosby Show, and Friends is online!! Watch out!

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