Thursday, October 9, 2008

Seven Things

My bff has tagged me to list Seven random things about myself. This is very difficult for me because I am a very random person, but I would like to list things that people might now know about me.

1. As a child I had tubes put in my ears twice. It was supposed to help with the draining in my middle ear and reduce my ear infections. I believe that it's because of this that I have serious ear wax problems and a horrible sense of balance. This balance problem causes me to run into doors, trip over myself, and I will never be a professional skier. My ear problem also makes me a horrible person to travel with up the mountains and in an airplane. I also have a lot of pictures of myself in the bathtub with a blue foam thing around my head so that I don't get water in my ears. Imagine a cone around a dog's head and that's what I looked like.

2. I believe that I am almost kind of psychic. I can imagine myself doing something like going on a trip or getting a job, it normally always happens. If I can't imagine myself going on a trip, even if it's in the process of being planned, it never happens, something always falls through. Luckily, I can imagine myself getting married in December.

3. I have a thing for twins. Here is my track record for those who don't believe me. 1. I have 2 sets of twins in my family. 2. My first best friend, Saphia Jaffries, was a twin. 3. My first boyfriend, Gaylon, was a twin. 3. My best friends from middle school til some of college, Heather and Lindsey, are twins. 4. My best friend, Stephanie, is a twin. I'm worried that I might have twins when I get pregnant.

4. If I was ever on MTV Made, I would be Made into a Broadway star. I would want to sing and dance in a musical. My favorites would be Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Hairspray, and The Sound of Music.

5. When I broke my foot my freshman year of college, all the nurses at the hospital were convinced that I had broken it during a wild drunken night. They didn't believe me when I told them that I had fallen down the stairs at a friend's house. I am permanently bitter about that conversation.

6. I firmly believe that I am an average person. What I mean by that is that I am not extremely talented in any area of my life. I am surrounded by people who are extremely talented in certain areas. I live vicariously through them.

7. I can roll my tongue in a way that looks like it's doing the wave.

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