Friday, August 5, 2011

My Safety Net

My mom told me that you aren't a true runner until you pee or poop in public. I might be eating my words later, but I will never be a real runner if that is what it comes down to. While I am training for the half-marathon, McDonald's is my safety net, or safety toilet if you will.

Bolivar streets run on a really easy grid system and I run on the side that leads to McDonalds. When I started my run at 6:00am, I knew immediately that I was in trouble. My stomach would clench and then as soon as I would decide to head to the golden arches I would feel fine again. I was playing constant mind games with my tummy. Do I? or Do I Not? Then I amused myself with thinking about how funny it would be to use the restroom in public along my training path. Let's see, where would the best place be to go...First Baptist? the high school? the elementary school? I know! Across the street from a client's home! See, it's just not gonna happen for me.

I guess I'm just not that hardcore.

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