Thursday, August 12, 2010


Typically I write about a certain topic and then say that I will update you on that topic, and I never get around to doing that. But TODAY I will update you on the topic that I'm sure you were sitting on the edge of your seats wondering about: My 7 Day Cleanse!!!!

I'll try not to be too disgusting but I'm a very open and honest person who sometimes doesn't use her filter, so bear with me on this one.

I ended up only doing the cleanse for 4 days. The reason being was because I didn't think it through when I started it and forgot that I was leaving on a mission trip that week. I did not want to be that person who had to stop every 30 minutes to use the restroom. I would have also had the struggle of finding a decent bathroom on the Mississippi roads.

It took about a day and a half to get the cleanse going. I took two pills before lunch and two before bed. I had a hard time remembering to take the pills before bed. With this cleanse you have to drink A LOT of water, which I did. Once the cleanse started, I had to pee a lot and 85% of the time that I peed, I pooped. It wasn't painful. My stomach didn't cramp up and I also never had to run at lightening speed to the restroom. I would do it again, but this next time I would make sure I wasn't leaving in the middle of the week for a trip. I'm not sure how much weight I lost because I don't own a scale, but I felt better.

I would not recommend this to anyone who didn't have access to a restroom during the day. I have a bathroom right off of my office so it wasn't a big deal.

In my Paul Harvey voice," And that is the rest of the story."

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